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Harvest a Crop for Eternal Life


As we head into Autumn we head into a season of transition, moving from the longer days and relaxation of summer and into a time of preparation for the winter to come. Traditionally, this is the time of harvest, to reap and gather what the fields have grown and fill the barns for winter, and to celebrate the fruits of creation. Even in these days of supermarkets when we can buy foods shipped in out of season, it is still important to celebrate harvest and support initiatives such as Foodbank who are campaigning to fill their shelves ready for the pressures of winter.

For many Ely and District CAP clients, September is a time of pressure, pressure from back to school purchases, pressure of planning to be able to afford gifts for Christmas, planning for the increased pressure of fuel costs when the heating goes on again, planning where the next meal is coming from. The CAP debt process can help with some of the bigger pressures of debt, but income maximisation can provide little helps that make a difference with day-to-day discissions. A pensioner concerned that they may not be able to heat their home without the winter fuel payments could be put off from claiming pension credits they are entitled to as they struggle with computers. A family may not realise that they can claim council tax relief, or someone struggling to pay the rent could be getting housing benefit. A parent giving up food themselves to feed their children may not know where to go to get a foodbank voucher, a leaflet for a local toddler club could give a single parent respite and support. A phone call or a prayer can show a client that there is someone who cares.

Some of these things are just little things, but they all add up to make a big difference to someone's life and the Ely and District CAP team are working to get Income maiximisation in place to support all our clients and maximise the impact that CAP can have in their lives, helping to share the gifts of the harvest with those who are struggling, for the present and for a more secure and supported future.

John 4:35-37 (NIV)

35 Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. 36 Even now the one who reaps draws a wage and harvests a crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. 37 Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true.

We can all support each other in the harvest, the gifts of God and the abundance of His creation are a resource to be used and shared for the benefit of all His people, a gift of love that can never be diminished.


Please pray for all our team as they share God's bountiful love with all our clients, demonstrating the love of God to them through their actions as well as their words.

Please pray for all our Ely and District CAP clients, for the day-to-day struggles that they face and that that the help of the team can bring them the knowledge of the love of God into their lives as an ever present support. Pray for the implementation of the income maximisation process, that this will help make a difference to their lives.

Prayer Meeting

The next prayer meeting will be on Wednesday 2nd October at 7pm at the Countess Church. This is a great opportunity to meet together, share CAP news, catch up and pray together for the work of Ely and District CAP. Please do come along and bring along any friends who may be interested in finding out more about Ely and District CAP. 

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